Speaker information

Thank you for sharing your knowledge at WorkerConf 2022!

Below you will find a range of information to help you and team Worker to make sure your visit is as smooth and safe as possible.

Please fill in the form at the bottom of this page so we can arrange everything needed.

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact team@worker.sh

Arrival & Pick up

We recommend the airport in Zürich or Friedrichshafen. Of course Munich is also possible.
If you arrive in Zürich, please take the train to St. Margrethen.
If you arrive by train take the one to Dornbirn main station.


We book the hotel Krone for you in Dornbirn.

Before WorkerConf

Speaker Dinner (09.06.2022)

At WorkerConf


We would ask you to arrive at the conference venue Conrad Sohm (https://www.conradsohm.com) at least 1 hour before your session. So that you can be fitted with mics, and your session can start on time.

When the real fun part starts …

  • 10.06.2022, after the last talk we going to make our own Pizza and listening to live music.

  • 11.06.2022, 8:00 Dornbirn - departure to Bikepark Brandnertal

    Departure back to Dornbirn at 15:00 (arrival in Dornbirn at 16:00)

Current Covid regulations:

  • No mask requirement

  • No 3G or 2G regulation

  • No registration required

Nevertheless please protect yourself and our community

  • Monitor your health (Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.)

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

  • Clean your hands often

  • Use our hand sanitizer

Covid-19 test services in Dornbirn:
Messe Dornbirn, Messegelände, 6854 Dornbirn: MO-SO, 08.00 - 12.00 / 12.30 - 17.00

Before - during - after WorkerConf

Get social :)

Connect with other speakers and attendees on social media.
Make sure you follow us and get involved in our social media activities.
#WorkerConf @WorkerConf